Rules of Novuss

 Number of Players

  The game is playable by two or four players

1. Starting Position

1.1 The players themsleves put their discs on the table.After that,they go to the other side of  the table,and the player who has the right to make the first                  shot places his puck in the edge zone on his side,strikes the puck with his cue,making a shot at this discs.

1.2 Put the discs next to each other,right next to the edge of the table with four on each side of the central line.

2.Special Terms

2.1 The Blind Zone the space along the edge on the player's side,wich borders the edge zone line,as well as the space in the circle in the middle of  the board.

2.2 Blind Disc- a disc which is found in the player's blind zone and through the hole of which, there border of  the blind zone is not visible.

2.3 Active Disc- a player's disc which is on the table and isn't in a blind zone.

2.4 Correct Shot:

2.4.1 If the puck firstly hits one of your active disc;

2.4.2 Not hitting any other discs if you don't have any active discs and your puck hits the opposite end of the table;

2.4.3 If the puck firstly hits the edge of the table and then your disk which is situated in the central circle;

2.4.4 Any other shots is regarded as a penalty-worthy shot

3.The Game

3.1 Before making a shot, the player must place their puck on their side in any location of the edge zone which borders the sides of the edge zone and the               line in order that the line is not visible through the hole of the puck.

3.2 The puck cannot be placed directly next to any disc. Having been hit, the puck cannot make contact with any disc in its boarder zone.

3.4 Aiming the cue, one cannot cover the inner corner edges. If there are any doubts about the situation of the cue, then one cannot cover the inner corner             with your hand either.

3.5 The player can not place his fingers on the table itself, but only on its edge.

3.6 The shot can only be made with the thin end of the cue. It is not allowed to make a shot with the thick and/side of the cue.

3.7 The shots is regarded as complete if the cue has hit the puck. When making a shot at the discs, the puck is not allowed to slide back into the border zone           on its side, i.e when the zone line is no longer visible through the hole in the puck, except when the player has a dark disc.

3.8 After a successful shot,when one or many of one's discs are pocketed, and no rules have been broken, the player continues their series of shots.

3.9 If, as result of a shot, the puck or a disc is put on the edge of the board, and stays there, it will be considered to have gone off the edge. Any of your/your           opponent's discs which have gone off the edge of the board will be placed in the centre of the central circle, in order that the central cross is visible                     through the hole in the disc. If the centre is taken then place the disc on the line of the central circle which corresponds to  the direction where the disc               went off the table. The disc is placed in order that its outside edge touches the inside edge of the circle. If this point is already occupied by another disc,             then place it in one of the other places where the line and the circle meet. If all of the five aforementioned points are taken, place the extra discs on the             lines of the cross, between the previous discs, firstly on the side where the disc went off the edge. If the disc went off the edge over a corner and it is                   impossible to ascertain which side the disc went off, and the centre is already taken, then place the disc by the central circle's line on the imagined                       diagonal where the disc went over the edge. If two or more discs are placed at once, then the disc which was hit by the puck goes into the centre, and the rest follow acccording to the aforementioned rules.

4. Direct and Indirect shots

4.1 The active player can hit all their own active discs, and the puck, having touched any of them, can hit any of their own or their opponent's discs.

4.2 With a rebound shot, the player can hit all of their discs(both active and blind).

4.3 Blind discs cannot be hit with a direct shot, and can only be hit:

4.3.1 by a puck which has already hit the other edge of the table;

4.3.2 by a puck which has already hit an active disc;

4.3.3 by one's own active disc;

4.3.4 with the help of many discs, the puck having previously touched an active disc;

4.3.5 with a rebound against the opposite side of the table,if the disc is in the central circle;

4.3.6 the players is not penalised, if after their shot in which the puck hits the opposite side of the table(rebound shot), none of the discs are hit by the puck, if             they don't have any active discs.

4.4 If the player hits an opponent's blind discs, they stay where they have been hit.

4.5 In singles, it is prohibited(with a penalty shot) to hit an opponent's discs into the blind zone. If this is done, those discs are placed in their previous                       position,  not touching other moved discs, and the player is penalised.

5. Penalty discs

5.1 The player loses the rights to a shot, and is given a penalty disc in the following circumstances:

5.1.1 after a punishable shot;

5.1.2 if, after a direct shot, the puck hits an opponent's disc or their/their opponent's disc at the same time;

5.1.3 if, while there are directly hitable discs on the table, after a rebound, the puck firstly hits an opponent's disc;

5.1.4 if the puck is pocketed;

5.1.5 if the puck goes over the edge of the table.

5.2 The penalty disc is placed exactly on the middle line of the edge zone, as close as possible to the edge, on the opponent's side. If this place is taken, place           a disc as close as possible to the middle line, not moving any other discs in the process. If the distance from the middle line is equal on both sides, place             the discs on the side which has the least penalty discs,but if both sides have an equal number of discs, then on the side where there is the lowest overall           number of discs. If this number is also equal, then on the side which the shot was made from. If two or more penalty discs have to be       placed at once,           then place the first one the central line, but the others, as previously mentioned.

5.3 If the player has all eight discs on the table, penalty discs are placed, but the number of extra discs is counted.

5.4 If there are many extra penalty discs then they are all to be placed at once. If there isn't enough space for all those extra discs, then place as many as are           allowed(up to eight), and keep count of the extra discs that have not yet been placed.

6. Losing a Turn

6.1 The player loses a turn:

6.1.1 if, during the shot in progress, the player hasn't pocketed any of their discs;

6.1.2 if the player pockets an opponent's discs along with their own;

6.1.3 if as a result of the shot, one of yours or your opponent's discs goes off the edge of the table;

6.1.4 if you break any rule which results in a penalty disc.

7. Singles Game

7.1 The winners is the player who pockets all his discs first. If the player who shoots first pockets all his eight discs in one series of shots, the series ends and           the right to shoot passes to his opponent. If the opponent also pockets all his discs in one series of shots, the game is replayed, swapping positions at                 each end of the table, and the right to the first shot.

7.2 If with a correct shot, the player pockets both their and their opponent's final disc, the game is annulled, and starts again. If as a result of this, the player             earns a penalty disc, he loses the game

8. Doubles Game

8.1 In doubles, every player tries to pocket not only their but also their team mates' discs. The game is won by the pair that does this first.

8.2 All rules relating to two player games also apply to doubles, except when the player directly hits an opponent's disc into their blind zone(the area behind           the end line). In a doubles game, this is only penalised with a penalty disc.

9. The result of the Game

The winner is the first to pocket all their discs.

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